Wersja polska

Analyzed data from 31.12.2011

Survey for 2011 was completed by 57 research libraries, including:

  • 41 public academic libraries
    • 14 university libraries,
    • 17 libraries with technical profile,
    • 6 libraries with medical profile,
    • 2 libraries with economic profile,
    • 1 library with agricultural profile,
    • 1 library with artistic profile,
  • 11 non-public academic libraries,
  • 3 public libraries,
  • 2 special libraries.

The results are presented in the tables for the following groups of libraries:

  1. biblioteki poszczególnych typów uczelni publicznych:
    • universities,
    • technical universities,
    • medical universities;
  2. 2. all public academic libraries, non-public academic libraries, public libraries, special libraries.


  1. Numerical and percentage indicators are presented in the form of arithmetic average, median, maximum and minimum value. Some data (e.g. number of self-published materials) are presented only as maximum and minimum value. Other data - YES / NO statements - are presented as a percentage of affirmative responses
  2. All indicators "... calculated per worker" are calculated according to the number of core business employees, which is the number of work places conversion.
  3. Indicators "number of collection per ..." do not include databases and e-periodicals. Additionally, an indicator "number of periodical titles subscribed on a local and foreign scale (in printed and electronic format) per user" is introduced.
  4. All costs are given in PLN. Financial indicators regarding expenditures relate to expenses for current activity excluding investments.
  5. Indicators "growth of the library collection" are calculated using the following formula: acquisition minus discarded materials.
  6. Indicator "use of the library collection" is calculated using the following formula:
    Number of outside loans (along with the renewals) + Number of volumes (including books, periodicals and other materials) available on site + Number of completed interlibrary loans (in computational units) loaned outside (local + foreign) / Collection condition (books in vol. + periodicals in vol. + special collection in total)
  7. Other explanations can be found in the footnotes to particular questions in the survey questionnaire http://ssk2.bu.amu.edu.pl/standaryzacja/.

Pooled data analysis from 31.12.2011 survey

List of performance reported in the surveys is automatically calculated using data from surveys. Tables are prepared according to the following groups of indicators:

  1. general indicators
  2. financial indicators
  3. collection indicators (condition, growth, processing)
  4. service indicators (loans, information services, user trainings)
  5. indicators related to employees, organizational structure and professional activity
  6. remote library services, self-publishing materials, cooperation between libraries, events - all library types

Compiled by:
Lidia Derfert-Wolf, University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, lidka@utp.edu.pl
Marek M. Górski, Cracow University of Technology, gorski@biblos.pk.edu.pl
Bydgoszcz, Cracow, August 2013

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu ©2003-
Kontakt z administratorami

Akademia Techniczno Rolnicza w Bydgoszczy ©2002-2003
Twórca projektu: Lidia Derfert-Wolf
Autorzy oprogramowania: Michał Sierakowski, Paweł Rosiak